Academy of Fine Art Foundation Art to Benefit Humanity 501(C)3 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS
Welcome to the Academy of Fine Arts Foundation The Academy of Fine Arts Foundation is a non-profit organization established to provide education for artists and the public on the business of art and to promote the participation of the art industry in philanthropic activities. Through art exhibitions, presentations, competitions, art auctions and art sales, we hope to partner with other non-profit institutions to raise money for their cause and public awareness of art. These co-hosted benefit events and activities will serve to promote philanthropy in our communities in a fresh way. Masterpiece Publishing, Inc. has provided the initial endowment for the establishment of the program, but seeks ongoing support from people who believe in the value of strong ethical standards in business and who maintain the same level of integrity that we uphold at Masterpiece Publishing, Inc. Featured fine art has been generously donated by artists and publishers.
© 2016 Academy of Fine Art Foundation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. All contents of this site (including artworks, text, photos, other representations of the artworks, materials related to the artworks) are protected by copyright - any use of these materials without express permission of Academy of Fine Art Foundation is a violation of those copyrights.